R&D in Business: Building an Efficient R&D Strategy and PixelPlex Pro Tips for Industry Challenges

Research and development strategy

Innovation drives a company’s competitive edge. However, the advantage isn't derived solely from access to technology but from aligning that technology with market needs. This is where an R&D strategy comes into play.

Research and development (R&D) entails testing, experimentation, and the acquisition of new knowledge driven by the goals to develop new products and services or enhance the ones that already exist.

R&D strategy is essential for business leaders looking to assess the feasibility of their project idea and determine practical steps to achieve their objectives. It’s a key tool for launching successful projects that align with market demands.

In this article, we’ll outline a step-by-step process for crafting an R&D strategy, share best practices for its implementation, highlight top R&D priorities for businesses, and offer tips to address industry challenges through research and development.

What is R&D in business?

In a business context, research and development is a set of activities businesses undertake to achieve new knowledge and find practical application of a new solution or technology.

Research and development is one of the earliest steps when developing a new product or tool. It typically consists of two main phases. The first phase involves thorough market research to determine innovative tools and technologies, while the second one focuses on implementing the ideas and technologies that drive innovation.

What are the benefits of investing in R&D?

R&D allows businesses to benefit from gaining a competitive advantage, reducing costs, and improving performance. Let’s talk about each benefit in greater detail.

Gaining a competitive advantage

By consistently creating products and services that cater to changing customer preferences and setting new industry benchmarks, you can solidify your business’s leadership position and ensure long-term sustainability. With an efficient research and development strategy, you can catch up with digital transformation trends and strengthen your brand reputation.

Furthermore, R&D initiatives allow you to present unique offerings to your customers, which opens doors to entirely new market segments.

Cost reduction

Research and development in business provides multiple opportunities for cost reduction. One of the most tangible ways R&D achieves this is through the development of efficient production methods. For instance, in the automotive industry, continuous R&D can lead to lean manufacturing techniques that minimize waste and improve process efficiency. By refining production lines and reducing defects, companies can produce more units at a lower cost.

R&D can be also leveraged to bring in automation tools. Warehouses, for example, can introduce automated robots to streamline operations, drastically cutting labor costs and increasing efficiency.

Improved performance

Incorporating R&D in business helps improve the quality of products and services. Through R&D activities, you can develop and test new technologies, products, techniques, and designs. This will ultimately enhance product performance and increase customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, R&D offers insights into your production methods, organizational structure, and market position, allowing you to boost productivity by addressing inefficiencies and directing resources to the most valuable projects.

We’ve compiled a list of the most popular digital transformation challenges that modern enterprises encounter, along with tips for overcoming them. Check it out

How to develop an efficient R&D strategy step-by-step

How to create research and development strategy

The development of an R&D strategy involves four main steps: defining the research problem, creating an R&D plan, collecting and analyzing data, and establishing milestones and testing the strategy.

Let’s explore each step in detail.

1. Define the research problem

First of all, you need to determine the problem you want to address through research. Your goal here is to formulate clear objectives that specify what you want to achieve, the outcomes you need to deliver, and the methods by which you will accomplish this.

Ensure that your business objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (i.e., SMART).

2. Develop an R&D plan

An R&D plan should outline existing problems and challenges, corrections that need to be made, specific deadlines, and budget allocations. Some of the key elements to include in your plan are:

  • Current trends and technologies relevant for your product or service
  • Expected time to profit
  • Potential risks and challenges
  • Long-term production and support times
  • Project roadmap

Once these elements are in place, prioritize tasks based on their significance to the project, starting with those that are absolutely essential for building or optimizing the product and then moving on to those that are merely optional or nice-to-have.

Additionally, as you formulate your R&D plan, delineate key roles and responsibilities within your research and development team. The typical structure of an R&D team comprises engineers, scientists, and project managers, but the final lineup will depend on your specific project and business needs.

3. Collect and analyze data

The next step in the R&D process is data collection in line with your established plan. This includes conducting surveys, interviews, and observations, or using previously collected data, such as market trends, statistics, etc.

Then, you need to organize, clean, and interpret the collected data and present your findings to project stakeholders in a clear and concise manner. Using this data, you will be able to move your R&D ideas forward and start experimenting with new products, tools and technologies.

4. Establish milestones and test your strategy

You need to test your R&D strategy to make sure it is headed in the right direction. To achieve this, establish clear technical, regulatory, or other milestones. These serve as decision points for shifting resources to or away from certain research and development initiatives or experiments.

These milestones not only measure progress but also confirm that your R&D strategy execution remains aligned with your objectives.

What are the best practices for R&D strategy implementation?

Research and development best practices

For efficient implementation of a research and development strategy, our technology consultants advise the following key steps:

  • Create a dedicated R&D team. Assembling a dedicated R&D team ensures a blend of diverse skills and expertise. This also promotes cross-functional collaborations that help generate new ideas and uncover valuable insights. Depending on the scale of your project, you can create an internal team, hire external consultants, or partner with a third-party R&D team.
  • Leverage technology and partnerships. Utilize cutting-edge technologies and tools, such as big data solutions, AR/VR simulations, and predictive models to streamline and facilitate your R&D initiatives. Additionally, partnerships with other organizations, research centers, etc. can offer supplementary expertise and different perspectives.
  • Define metrics. Establish clear and measurable metrics. These will serve as indicators of what’s working and what’s not, allowing you to timely adjust your R&D strategy and achieve better results.
  • Establish R&D policy. A well-defined R&D policy offers a structured roadmap for your research and development endeavors, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and efficient resource allocation.

Implement business intelligence solutions tailored to address your business challenges and goals

What are the research and development challenges in business?

To build a successful R&D strategy, it’s essential to understand the current challenges modern enterprises face. These include lack of connection to the customer, accelerated innovation cycles, and substantial investments.

Let’s take a closer look at each challenge.

Lack of connection to the customer

R&D units seldom have the chance to engage directly with end users. Consequently, product development leans heavily on fragmented feedback about customer preferences and needs. This negatively affects the R&D results.

To address this challenge, enterprises should prioritize creating channels for direct communication between R&D teams and customers. Regular feedback sessions, customer involvement in pilot projects, and cross-functional teams that include marketing and sales personnel can foster a clearer understanding of customer needs, thereby refining the R&D process.​​

Accelerated innovation cycles

A significant driver behind accelerated innovation cycles is the increasing reliance on software development, combined with the affordability of simulation and automation technologies.

However, established corporations aren’t the sole contributors to this fast-paced environment. Well-funded start-ups are not only introducing groundbreaking innovations but also scaling them swiftly, posing potential threats to existing business models and redirecting industry growth trajectories. This, combined with increased investor scrutiny over research expenditures, amplifies the pressure on R&D leaders to demonstrate prompt and tangible results.

To navigate this accelerated innovation landscape, companies should prioritize adaptability, promoting a culture that embraces change and continuous learning. Collaborative efforts, involving partnerships with start-ups or leveraging insights from external industries, can also help businesses stay ahead of the curve.

Substantial investments

Research and development in business demands significant investments in finances, time, and resources. Many businesses find it challenging to allocate sufficient resources to R&D, which can hinder their potential for innovation. This challenge is further compounded by the inherent uncertainty associated with R&D efforts.

The path of research can be riddled with risks, and there’s no assurance of a fruitful outcome. Moreover, the lengthy nature of R&D projects means that returns on investment might not materialize for extended periods.

To navigate these challenges, companies should consider establishing strategic partnerships and tapping into collaborative research networks. This approach can help in sharing risks and optimizing resource utilization.

Top R&D priorities for businesses

According to Gartner, in 2023, the top priorities for R&D leaders are understanding customer demands, recruiting and keeping skilled staff, and quickening the pace of their projects.

Other R&D priorities include balancing investment between short-term and long-term opportunities, optimizing R&D project resourcing, selecting technologies for investment for long-term growth, and increasing the speed to maturity for technologies within the R&D portfolio.

As for the technologies and services in which R&D leaders plan to increase their investment, the top ones include:

  • Prototyping and testing
  • Data analysis services
  • Automation
  • Data collection
  • Security technologies
  • Power technologies

It’s also worth emphasizing that the choice of R&D priorities will largely depend on the industry your business is in and its specific challenges. Below, we added a table that includes industry-specific initiatives and how our R&D team offers to address them utilizing cutting-edge technologies and solutions.

Key challenges R&D offering
  • Rising costs
  • Aging population
  • Shortage of healthcare workers
  • Lack of access to healthcare for some populations
  • Technology scouting and solution research. Implementing telemedicine solutions for remote consultations, using chatbots, etc.
  • Big data consulting. Enabling efficient management of healthcare data, delivering actionable insights.
  • Blockchain consulting. Ensuring enhanced supply chain of drugs and medicine, eliminating counterfeiting, monitoring prescriptions.
  • ML consulting. Incorporating virtual assistants and enhancing predictive analytics.
Oil and gas
  • Rising costs
  • Increasing competition from renewable energy sources
  • Pressure to reduce carbon emissions
  • Crypto and blockchain consulting. Improving sustainability efforts, incorporating carbon trading, using flared gas to mine cryptocurrency.
  • IoT and AR consulting. Energy tracking, AR-assisted maintenance and repair.
  • Big data consulting. Optimizing oil and product operations in geology, drilling, production, and transportation.
Finance and fintech
  • Evolving regulations
  • Economic slowdown
  • Rising interest rates
  • Increased competition from new entrants
  • Technology scouting and solution research. Implementing KYC solutions, chatbots, remittance payment platforms, mobile banks, all-in-one financial ecosystems, etc.
  • Blockchain consulting. Improving processes with DLT, assisting with CBDC initiatives, tokenizing securities, implementing blockchain-based financial instruments.
  • AI and ML consulting. Creating risk management and alert systems, automating collection and processing of relevant regulatory acts for timely response.
  • Data analytics consulting. Optimizing data lakes and warehouses, incorporating big data analytics
Supply chain and logistics
  • Labor shortages
  • Rising costs
  • Increasing complexity of markets and supply chains
  • Blockchain consulting. Implementing blockchain-based supply chains and document management systems.
  • IoT consulting. Integrating IoT for timely reporting of anomalies, real-time asset tracking, and monitoring of driver behavior.
  • BI consulting. Optimizing supply chains and logistics operations and delivering data-driven insights
Retail and eCommerce
  • Rising inflation
  • Supply chain disruption
  • Labor shortages
  • Privacy regulations
  • Competition with large corporations like Amazon
  • Blockchain consulting. Implementing blockchain-based loyalty systems and cashback tokens, incorporating digital twins, creating NFTs to increase consumer engagement.
  • Technology scouting and solution research. Testing opportunities in the metaverse, developing robotic warehouses, incorporating GPT-like approach to marketing activities.
  • AI consulting. Implementing AI-powered predictive analytics to optimize supply chains.
  • Data engineering consulting. Data acquisition, processing, and enrichment to optimize costs and reduce expenses.

Closing thoughts

In today’s fast-paced world, research and development plays a pivotal role in the growth and sustainability of businesses. A well-orchestrated R&D strategy allows businesses to fuel innovation and gain a competitive advantage in their business domains.

PixelPlex’s R&D team is completely equipped to partner with you in this journey. With 16 years of industry presence, our diverse expertise spans various technologies and domains. Whether it’s strategizing, creating prototypes, or testing and implementing modern solutions, we employ best practices to ensure your business remains at the forefront of innovation.

Don’t hesitate – contact us today and let’s shape the future together.


Darya Yatchenko

Lead Technical Writer

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