A black car on a sky background


Blockchain Car Sharing Services & Automotive Supply Chain System

Enterprise blockchain system supporting data integrity for the automotive supply chain, transparent vehicle maintenance, and streamlined car-sharing services


Project goals

Optimize and enable transparent manufacturing & distribution processes, cut down related expenses, and ensure data integrity across the client’s automotive supply chain. Implement a blockchain-powered vehicle maintenance log and develop the platform and functionality for offering car-sharing services.

Work done

Blockchain protocol customization & infrastructure setup for automotive supply chain management Business logic & smart contract programming to automate car-sharing services and track vehicle maintenance Web platform front-end and back-end development API gateway & payment processing system integration


We created an end-to-end data storage & management system powered by a Graphene-based blockchain protocol to ensure the authenticity of parts transported throughout the supply chain, enable real-time payments, and provide full traceability from dealer all the way back to the manufacturer and the suppliers. Smart contracts were programmed to support vehicle maintenance & lifecycle management, and secure payments for car-sharing services.

Technologies used:


Blockchain-Powered Automotive Supply Chain Management

DDrive provides full-cycle management, from car parts manufacturing to distribution, from package tracking to compliance management, and from dealer’s inventory to finance and servicing.

The platform transforms the automotive supply chain by introducing innovative features:

  • Supplier digital identity enabling to verify supplier details, manage digital agreements, and carry out payments
  • Distributed ledger for car parts tracing and verification using IoT devices to pull up all information from destination to manufacturer, production date, and location
  • Digital identity for finished goods & materials to collect information on storage and transportation conditions
  • Advanced monitoring powered by IoT sensors to control inventory levels and ensure timely delivery to dealerships

Our platform allows manufacturing, transportation, storage, and distribution data to be visible & accessible to parts suppliers, car manufacturers, dealers, service mechanics, insurance providers, and other members of the supply chain.

The platform’s layer of security has a user access restriction feature based on the user’s role in the supply chain. Each counterparty can create a blockchain account associated with the role and continuously track & verify events within the network. We’ve designed a convenient UI for each role in the supply chain, including suppliers, manufacturers, dealers, and consumers.

Car Sharing Services

We enabled temporary access to vehicles by introducing authentication with blockchain digital identity and cryptocurrency deposits. Smart contracts were programmed to unlock the car as soon as a payment is received from the customer’s. digital wallet. The person’s digital identity is also used to issue bonus credits or send out promotions, as well as blacklist unwanted drivers.

Car Maintenance Log on Blockchain

Our solution collects traced data from the vehicle’s on-board systems, including mileage, driving routes, vehicle’s current conditions, and estimated life expectancy of individual parts. In combination with the car’s maintenance and ownership history, this data is stored, analyzed, and exchanged to enable maintenance providers and manufacturers to apply strategies for improving their services.

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Project features

Blockchain digital identity for every member of the supply chain Vehicle parts verification and tracing throughout the supply chain Advanced inventory management with IoT sensors and distributed ledger Vehicle conditions data monitoring, storage, and analytics Driver’s digital identity for car-sharing services Digital car maintenance log powered by blockchain

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