Intelligent grocery shopping list app based on machine learning algorithms. Analytics and shopping behavior monitoring. Custom development by PixelPlex.
Project goals
We were really excited by the idea to improve customer shopping experience by making it less tedious and boring and targeted our efforts to create an app that:
- Makes easy-to-use grocery lists and tells which items are on sale;
- Learns customer patterns and organizes personalized lists accordingly;
- Sends push notifications about deals on frequently purchased items;
- Analyzes purchases and offers customers detailed analytics;
- Monitors time-based customer behaviors.
Work done
Functional specification documentation UI/UX design and prototyping iOS mobile app development Android mobile app development Deep learning model implementation Quality assurance and app maintenance Comprehensive real data analysisSolution
The outcome of our PixelPlex team’s collaborative effort is Kooper – a swift mobile app for smart shopping list creation.
Kooper is a shared grocery list app that learns your shopping habits as you use it and makes personalized shopping suggestions. The mobile app automatically collects information about products and discounts from your favorite local stores and helps сreate and manage individual or collaborative shopping lists.
Daily and weekly grocery trips can become quite complicated and time-consuming. Based on the research and experience of avid shopping enthusiasts, we outlined major inconveniences that shoppers generally face and most of us commonly relate to:
- Building lists of go-to items on smartphone notes or a piece of paper;
- Browsing through store websites or promo flyers to find discounts;
- Coordinating purchases with family or friends in different stores.
As a result, we came up with an idea to build a grocery list app and combine both a smart mobile shopping list and personal smart shopping assistant in one single mobile software.
Key Features of Kooper Grocery List App
Shopping Assistance
Kooper is highly interactive. The mobile app guides you through the store and provides information about special offers, sales, product price, and product score. The autocomplete feature offers suitable match items as you type, basing the suggestions on your previous purchases and favorite (starred) products.
Progressive UI/UX
Kooper’s UI offers pleasurable swipes and taps for navigation. The overall intuitive user experience helps to easily sort, move, and copy items within a single shopping list or between several of them. Tap and hold to move the item or change its priority. Tap once to cross the item off. Tap twice to remove it completely from your list.
AI-Based Features
What breaks Kooper from the pack is neural network integration. PixelPlex AI engineers incorporated this feature into the Kooper shopping list app to enable personalized tips and suggestions based on the analysis of shopping preferences, habits and add-to-cart sequence.
Optional Push Notifications
You can set up location-based reminders to let Kooper send push notifications when you are in the range of one of your favorite stores. In addition, Kooper alerts users when it’s the best time to go shopping and helps you stay up-to-date on all the latest discounts and sales! No wasting time on searching for the special offers in your browser or through a pile of promotional store flyers.
Shared Shopping Lists
Kooper enables shared shopping lists that can be viewed and edited by as many people as you’d like. All changes in such collaborative lists sync instantly, allowing you to coordinate purchases and save time and money on every shopping trip.
Quick Cooking Hacks
As an additional app feature for all cooking enthusiasts, we also introduced small cooking tips and tricks. Based on the products that you purchase, Kooper chooses the most relevant of all the tips available in its tip database and displays it as a popup.
Project features
Сreate and manage personalized shopping lists Integration with 17 retail networks Location-based hot deal push notifications Shopping list sharing and joint editing Analysis of purchase history Access to reviews on stores and products Item suggestions and cooking tip pop-ups Interactive map of stores Shopping list syncing between devicesRelevant projects
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