Telegram Open Network was Pavel Durov’s attempt to tackle many pressing issues of blockchain implementation with the introduction of modern infinitely-scalable hypercube architecture.
It turned out that blockchain can greatly improve our healthcare system, making it faster, cheaper, and more trustworthy. In post-COVID-19 times, healthcare providers seize this opportunity to be better prepared for any future threats to our well-being.
With multiple markets having different exchange rates, the price of a coin tends to be volatile. Crypto arbitrage trading gives the perfect opportunity to capitalize on this situation.
Having been on the market for a while already, blockchain proved to be a disruptive technology that could benefit multiple industries. Yet, despite being a hot topic, some people are still not sure what blockchain is.
Supply chain is the backbone of the economy and global markets. Blockchain provides this demanding and complicated industry with fully-fledged solutions capable of making supply chain management much more efficient and advanced.