Cardano logo on a dark background

Cardano Blockchain Development & Consulting

Resolve non-trivial business tasks with a third-gen network

Cardano ledger is the key to an extensively powerful ecosystem, and we can help you open it up. Whatever component you need — a Cardano decentralized exchange, NFT marketplace, smart DeFi layer, or wallet — we’ll come up with a feasible development approach.

Build once, deploy at scale: future-proof Cardano

Fully open-source and decentralized, Cardano blockchain can easily close the gap in deployment use cases left uncovered by first and second-gen ledger capacity.

  • Grow through a scalable architecture

  • Optimize resources with ultimate interoperability

  • Support sustainable economy

  • Launch ambitious projects for mass audiences

  • Orchestrate the networking processes

  • Handle heavy hosting under no environment harm

Cardano development services

Get ahead in your niche with resourceful and energy-efficient Cardano ledger projects. Originally focused on FinTech, banking, metaverse and gaming, NFTs, and fungible Cardano tokens, we are now able to tackle any one-of-a-kind challenges.

People discussing a topic next to a MacBook

Cardano blockchain development has its bonuses as well as its hurdles. Let us take the ideation and tech roadmapping burden off your shoulders. Save internal workforce time and get feasible integration, financial, and ROI plans.

  • Competition & risk analysis
  • Tokenomics & tech strategy breakdown
  • Whitepaper development
  • Existing solution audit & patches

Making a visible impact on engineering activity charts, Cardano projects have influenced the blockchain giants. Commission us to custom-build or revamp Cardano solutions, craft modular architectures, and build tailored protocols and logic.

  • MVP & PoC development
  • Smart contract engineering
  • Hosting & security solutions implementation
  • Migration & third-party integrations

Compromising your product's mainnet deployment without a proper external code check can cause devastating fund loss. Our test-drives help shut any trapdoors within your Cardano ledger nodes, smart contracts, and tools.

  • Source code lockdown
  • Integrity, privacy & accessibility analysis
  • Network performance validation
  • Maintenance planning
A person writing code on his laptop on a white desk

PixelPlex creates lightning-fast, trusted, and irreversible Cardano smart contracts, unbreakably authentic and ultimately rewarding. Protocol security and network longevity fall under diligent stakeholder control.

  • Plutus, Marlowe & Glow-based contracts
  • Comprehensive code audit
  • NFT & ownership logic implementation
  • Cybersecurity & energy assumption control

If you also want a neatly operating dApp, consider our Cardano team. Whether it’s designed for social or financial purposes, your solution will be fully endorsed for standards compliance, fault tolerance, and asset protection.

  • Cross-contract communication
  • Transaction states design
  • APIs, gateways & infrastructure engineering
  • Deployment, stores publishing, updates

Safeguard your Cardano crypto and other assets and access high-profile investment pools. We build multi-asset wallets, DEXs, OTC trade, lending platforms, and plenty more, keeping accounting and computational levels separated.

  • Desktop, full node, or browser wallets
  • Reliable consensus mechanism
  • On- & off-chain transaction matching
  • Liquidity staking, yield farming & mining support

With its increased demand capitalization, Cardano is suited for NFT metaverses and entire ecosystem engineering. Request market-hitting tokens, safe voting systems for shareholders, and goal-driven trade modules.

  • Native ADA token development & minting
  • Open & permissioned NFT marketplaces
  • NFT infrastructure setup & audit
  • Campaigning support, tech updates

Cardano as your business growth mode

On top of transaction fees as low as $0.1 (0.16 ADA), Cardano blockchain has multiple other benefits, giving its contributors value in many ways. Let’s check out why choose Cardano for your project.

A blue and green icon of a circle with inside elements

Outstanding performance

Underpinned by the progressive mathematical Ouroboros consensus, Cardano has achieved a throughput of 257 TPS, confirming transactions in a flash.

A blue and green icon of three layers

Supervised architecture

Prior to implementation, each component of Cardano’s unique upgradable multi-layer structure is thoroughly tested and verified by experienced regulators.

A blue and green icon of a cube made of arrows

Advanced scalability

Thanks to Cardano’s Layer 2 Hydra scalability protocol, the highly-protected network will handle up to 2.5 million TPS under minimized latency.

A blue and green icon of a shield and a lock

100% confidentiality

Cardano ledger users can opt for protected private transactions to ensure client activity on the platform is secured with innovative algorithms.

A blue and green icon of a trophy

Remuneration incentive

With a new democratic governance and monetary policy, Cardano provides the community with predictable rewards for stacking delegates and operators.

A blue and green icon of a leaf

Energy efficiency

Cardano proof-of-stake consensus replaces miners with stakeholders, dramatically cutting network power consumption and respecting the environment.

A blue and green icon of a scheme

Extended UTXO

With the eUTXO, Cardano is specifically designed to facilitate smart contract and dApp development, saving your money for engineering efforts.

A blue and green icon of two avatars

Strong community

Cardano is grounded on peer-reviewed research, which generates strong support from blockchain pros, and ensures quality ecosystem growth and significant market prospects.

Cardano development process milestones

Central to the process is the type of target solution and your business goal. Whatever it is, we’ll get to grips with your challenge statement, tech and monetization roadmapping, and funds optimization. The key stages include, but aren’t limited, to the following:


Objectives, requirements & scope analysis


DApp UI design


Smart contracts engineering & audit


DApp functionality & infrastructure development


Integration of smart contracts front- & back-end


Test-case-enabled app execution


Sandbox to mainnet transfer

Why partner with PixelPlex

Nothing makes us more passionate about our clients’ success than blockchain. To deliver absolutely transformative solutions, we bring to the table our cross-disciplinary knowledge along with proficiency in today’s high-demand DLT platforms.

Hands-on blockchain programming skills

  • Ethereum, Polkadot, Solana, Cardano, Hyperledger & more
  • Solidity, C++, C#, Angular, React, Python, Next.js & more

Cardano engineering experience

  • Marlowe & Plutus smart contract development
  • Rosetta interface & Virtual Machines expertisen

Full Cardano ecosystem support

  • DeFi instruments, DEXs & wallets engineering
  • Cardano tokens & NFT marketplaces deployment

Global regulations compliance

  • KYC/AML, 2FA & ID verification-enabled security
  • Cyber protection, asset tokenization, cryptography

Agile approach & fast launch

  • In-house tools to underpin your solution and speed up its launch CryptoAPI OTC Desk
  • 8 weeks to transform offline retail business into strong online player
  • 350+ clients

    from Fortune 500 to startups

  • 3 unicorns

    tokenization solutions revenue

  • 80+ DLT products

    released & succeeded

  • 10 years

    DLT expertise

  • 3 Cardano projects

    launched to date

  • 5 blockchains

    built & deployed from scratch

Our tech stack to finesse Cardano

Cardano development instruments allow us to step up in the global blockchain power play. With our flair for the innovative, we provide stellar experiences, enabling you to bond more closely with your clients.
  • Plutus
  • C++
  • JS
  • Haskell
  • PostgreSQL
  • GitHub
  • Babel
  • Webpack
  • GraphQL
  • Typescript
  • Solidity
  • React
  • Preact
  • Redux

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