PegaPool, an environmentally friendly web platform for Bitcoin pool mining


Environmentally friendly web platform for Bitcoin pool mining

  • Blockchain
  • Web
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Mining
  • FinTech

About the client

PEGA Pool is a UK-based subsidiary of PEGA Mining, which aims to create a more sustainable crypto mining industry by using clean energy sources and natural cooling in its data centers located in Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.



PixelPlex has created a robust platform that allows users to join Bitcoin mining pools that only use renewable energy sources.


  • Project manager
  • Business analyst
  • Front-end developer2
  • Back-end developer2
  • UX/UI designer
  • QA engineer

Business opportunity

After analyzing the huge environmental impact caused by crypto mining, our client decided to take positive action and reduce this burden.

27.4 million

tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted in the US alone between 2021 and 2022

30.7 kilotonnes

of e-waste is generated annually

91 terawatt hours

is consumed by the Bitcoin network annually

That’s how the client came up with the idea of PegaPool — a pool mining platform that would allow Bitcoin miners to successfully mine crypto relying on renewable energy only.

Project goals

Together with the client, we established and prioritized the following project goals:

  • 1

    Build an environmentally friendly Bitcoin mining pool platform

  • 2

    Establish clear reporting on hashrate and revenue

  • 3

    Allow users to manage their mining machines and track their performance

Work done

  • Robust eco-conscious pool mining platform
  • Real-time statistics on miners’ performance, revenue and expenses
  • Comprehensive rewards distribution model
  • Integration with third-party services, including Zendesk, Twillio, and Mailjet
  • Eye-catching and comfortable UI/UX design


The PixelPlex team built PegaPool, a Bitcoin pool mining platform that allows miners to leverage renewable energy sources. Besides the sustainability aspect, the solution offers differentiated commission fees, a rewards model, and integration with reliable third-party tools — all contributing to high platform performance and user engagement.

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Solution components

Our team conducted a thorough discovery session and identified the core solution components:

  • Landing page

    FAQs, About us, Blog, News, Pool info. Users can create an account and submit a Contact us form here.

  • User account

    Features the BTC Hashrate chart for the last 24 hours, a mining accounts table with general info about accounts activity, network state, server settings, and revenue information.

    Users can switch between their master account and sub-accounts here.

  • Admin panel

    Features PegaPool’s statistics (pool revenue and details about accounts and miners), withdrawal requests, and a list of all admins.

User roles

Considering PegaPool’s functionality and the client’s requirements, we determined the following user classes and roles:

  • Admin

    Super admin — distributes fees and rewards, groups accounts, adds and deletes other admins, changes account statuses.

    Payment admin — approves or denies requests for withdrawal, records manual payments, and has view rights.

    Support admin — has view rights only.

  • User

    User — can create and manage master and sub-accounts, connect them with miners and wallets, and check their accounts statistics.

    Maintainer — has access to limited functionality: mining accounts (read-only) and Miners section (CRUD).

    Unauthenticated user — has access to the FAQs, About us, Blog sections, can create an account, submit a Contact us form, and view read-only pages created by authenticated users.

Account types

To access all PegaPool functionality, PegaPool users need to create a master account.

What’s more, users can create up to 19 sub‑accounts. Each sub‑account can be tied to its own miners and a wallet. The commission fee set for a user’s master account is automatically inherited by sub-accounts.

In contrast to a master account, which is not liable to deletion, a sub-account gets automatically deleted if no shares are submitted within 180 days.

Both master and sub-accounts can have an unlimited number of miners.

Commission fee

To ensure the profitability of the PegaPool platform, our specialists worked out an effective monetization plan. It works as follows: Super admin sets a commission fee on each user account, which means that the platform takes some percentage of the mined block value.

The commision fee can vary depending on the account, and is set by Super admin.

Rewards distribution model

To enhance user engagement, we elaborated a rewards distribution model and defined its rules:

  • The pool reward model will be "Pay-Per-Share", meaning an instant flat payout for each valid share regardless of whether the pool finds the block or not. Share value is calculated from the presumed number of shares needed for the pool to find the block.
  • A number of selected accounts will have a "Pay-Per-Share-Plus" rewards distribution model that supposes an additional allocation of commissions from transaction fees on condition that the block is found.
  • Rewards are paid out once every 24 hours if account revenue reaches the payout threshold. If not, earned reward remains on the account balance.
  • If a user changed or added a BTC address to the account, rewards will be accumulated on the account balance. Payout process will resume in 72 hours.
  • If a user paused/resumed payouts, the changes will take place from the next day +1 GMT.
  • When sending the payout from the pool to the user's wallet, the network transaction fee is paid by the user.

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Technologies & tools

Third-party integrations

We suggested that the client should integrate the following third-party tools and solutions to achieve the highest level of efficiency and reliability:


We chose Zendesk as a help desk management solution. It is a tried-and-true tool that allows to customize customer service portal, knowledge base and online communities.

    reCAPTCHA v3

    To block out spam and abusive traffic, we integrated reCAPTCHA v3. It’s a free Google service that uses advanced risk analysis techniques and is able to differentiate between humans and bots.

      Twilio and Mailjet

      To ensure security and inviolability of users’ accounts, we incorporated Twilio and Mailjet for verification via SMS and email.


        We integrated the Strapi content management system to ensure smooth functioning of the PegaPool Blog section.

          Project features

          • Sustainable mining

          • Custom commission fees

          • Flexible rewards distribution

          • Comprehensive statistics on miners’ performance

          • Third-party integrations: Zendesk, Twilio, Strapi, etc.

          • Intuitive and attractive UI/UX design

          • Simple registration and log-in


          • 230.14 BTC

            mined in total

          • 1409 tons

            of annual C02 offset

          • 36

            blocks mined

          *As of November 15, 2022

          Contact us

          Have you come up with an idea for a mind-blowing blockchain project? Let’s discuss it right away! By clicking the 'Contact us' button, you agree that PixelPlex will process your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy and send you marketing materials. You can unsubscribe at any time.