MiCA Regulation Explained: New Framework for Regulating Crypto Assets

MiCA regulation

To regulate, or not to regulate crypto? That is the question that many governments and financial institutions worldwide are grappling with. The EU MiCA regulation aims to establish a clear legal framework for crypto assets, balancing innovation with consumer protection and market integrity.

Trying to address the challenge of regulating the diverse and decentralized world of cryptocurrencies, the European Union introduced the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation.

While the decentralized nature of blockchain technology offers security and privacy, its lack of a central authority makes effective regulation challenging. Plus, the varied governance models of cryptocurrencies, which include organizations such as the Bitcoin Foundation and leaderless structures, further complicate standard regulatory approaches.

MiCA represents the EU’s effort to create a harmonized framework that addresses the complexities of crypto regulation. It also aims to safeguard investors and consumers against financial fraud, market manipulation, and the inherent risks associated with the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies.

Read on to discover how the MiCA regulation will impact businesses dealing with crypto assets and explore the compliance requirements, operational changes, and potential opportunities that this new regulation introduces to the digital asset industry.

What are the MiCA regulations?

The MiCA (Markets in Crypto-Assets) regulation is a proposed set of EU rules aimed at providing a legal framework for crypto assets, their issuers, and related service providers. The law marks a significant milestone in digital finance, promising clear legal guidelines in the EU.

Finalized in May 2023, MiCA is set to be enforced from December 30, 2024. This gives the entities involved in crypto operations over a year to familiarize themselves with the new law and adjust their procedures and practices accordingly.

The groundbreaking regulation is the first of its kind, with the European Union set to become the first major jurisdiction to implement a comprehensive law specifically tailored for cryptocurrencies.

The law encompasses a broad spectrum of entities, including natural and legal persons, as well as various undertakings engaged in crypto asset services and activities, whether operating directly or indirectly. A key aspect of MiCA is its adaptability to the decentralized nature of the crypto world. It acknowledges that services provided in a fully decentralized manner, without intermediaries, fall outside its regulatory scope.

As the regulation takes effect, it will undoubtedly shape the future of cryptocurrency transactions and services. The question remains: in what way?

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What crypto assets are covered by MiCA regulation?

Crypto assets covered by MiCA regulations

The MiCA regulation covers three main types of crypto assets. The classification is determined by whether they stabilize their value by connecting it to other assets. Each type is subject to its own set of rules, tailored according to the associated risks.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these assets:

1. Asset-referenced tokens (ARTs)

ARTs are designed to maintain a stable value by being pegged to various assets. These can include multiple government-issued currencies, such as dollars or euros, commodities like gold or oil, other digital currencies, or a combination of these.

2. E-money tokens (EMTs)

This digital currency is created for transactional purposes. Its value remains stable because it is linked to a government-issued currency, such as the dollar or euro, which is officially recognized as legal tender.

3. Utility tokens

Utility tokens are designed to provide access to a particular good or service within a DLT system. Unlike security-type tokens, they are not recognized as financial instruments under the securities laws of many countries. However, they fall within the scope of the forthcoming MiCA regulation.

Importantly, stablecoins are also included in the MiCA regulation, as they fit into two categories — both ARTs and EMTs.

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What crypto assets are NOT covered by MiCA regulation?

The MiCA regulation specifically excludes certain categories of crypto assets and related services, acknowledging the unique nature and applications of these digital assets. Here are the key types:

  • Crypto assets without an identifiable issuer: Crypto assets that don’t have a specific issuer, especially those operating in a fully decentralized manner, are not covered under certain titles of MiCA. However, service providers dealing with such assets are still regulated.
  • Unique and non-fungible crypto assets: This category includes unique digital art and collectibles, namely NFT developments. Since these assets are not interchangeable and their value is based on their unique characteristics, they fall outside the scope of MiCA.
  • Certain intragroup transactions and public entities: Transactions within a corporate group and some public entities, such as the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements, are excluded because they don’t pose significant risks to financial stability or investor protection.
  • Central bank digital assets: CBDCs and other digital assets issued by central banks or other public authorities are not subject to the MiCA framework. This also includes any services they offer related to managing money.
  • Specific types of assets: Assets that are classified as financial instruments, deposits, funds (excluding EMTs), securitization positions, insurance products, pension products, and social security schemes, as defined in specific EU regulations and directives, are also excluded from the scope of the Markets in Crypto-Assets regulation.

By clearly defining these exclusions the MiCA regulation ensures a focused and effective regulatory approach, targeting those crypto assets and services that most significantly impact the financial market.

MiCA crypto regulation: major points

MiCA regulation main points for businesses

The MiCA regulation establishes crucial guidelines for crypto businesses, focusing on authorization, detailed whitepapers, environmental impact, international cooperation, and potential fees.

Let’s explore what exactly each of these points means.

Crypto asset service providers need authorization

According to the MiCA regulation, to provide crypto asset services, legal entities must have a registered office within an EU member state and secure authorization from the competent authority of that state. Besides, at least one of the directors of the entity is required to be a resident of the European Union.

Whitepaper is a must

MiCA mandates that issuers of crypto assets must provide a detailed whitepaper that outlines:

  • The nature and functionality of the crypto assets
  • The risks associated with investing in, purchasing, and owning these assets
  • Information about the issuer of the crypto assets
  • The project’s goals
  • The technology used

The whitepaper should also describe the rights and obligations linked to the crypto assets, but not include highly improbable risks.

The whitepaper and summaries, alongside the trading rules for crypto assets, must be available in at least one official language of the relevant member state or in a language commonly used in international finance, currently English. This ensures accessibility and comprehension for a broad audience, while acknowledging that the preferred language in international finance may change over time.

Sustainability takes center stage

The law highlights the environmental impact of crypto transactions, with a special focus on the consensus mechanisms used for transaction validation. Companies are expected to adopt more environmentally friendly algorithms for their services. The MiCA regulation also says that significant climate or environmental impacts must be clearly identified and disclosed by issuers and service providers of crypto assets. In addition, the size and volume of the issued crypto asset are taken into account when assessing these impacts.

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), in collaboration with the European Banking Authority (EBA), is tasked with developing standards to specify how information on sustainability, climate impact, and other environmental effects should be assessed and presented.

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International cooperation and tech neutrality are among the key pillars

MiCA supports international efforts for convergence in crypto asset regulation. This can be achieved through participation in international organizations or bodies like the Financial Stability Board, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, and the Financial Action Task Force.

The law also adheres to the principles of technological neutrality. This means that the regulation applies regardless of the technology used for issuing or transferring crypto assets. For businesses, this approach creates a fair and competitive environment, fostering innovation within a secure and regulated framework.

Non-compliance will lead to fees and fines

Let’s explore the main types of fees and penalties that entities may encounter for non-compliance with the Markets in Crypto-Assets regulation:

  • Administrative fines and penalties: This includes fines for providing false, misleading, or incomplete information, as well as for failing to comply with obligations related to the issuance and operation of crypto assets. For natural persons, the maximum administrative fine is at least €700,000. For legal persons, the maximum is at least €5,000,000.
  • Periodic penalty payments: Periodic penalties are imposed to prevent a person from continuing an infringement, compel them to provide the complete information requested, and ensure cooperation with investigations. The amount of these payments is 3% of the average daily turnover for the previous business year for legal entities, or 2% of the average daily income for natural persons.
  • Fees for supervision: The EBA charges supervisory fees to issuers of significant ARTs and EMTs. These fees fund the EBA’s supervisory tasks and reimburse costs incurred by competent authorities. The fee amount is proportional to the issuer’s scale: based on reserve assets for ARTs and issuance size for EMTs. The Commission will further specify fee details, including types, amounts, and payment methods, by June 30, 2024.

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What are the benefits and drawbacks of MiCA for businesses?

MiCA regulation benefits and drawbacks

Thу MiCA regulation is a game-changer for businesses in the crypto space as it finally brings clarity and structure to a previously unregulated market. Let’s take a look at other benefits that this law offers.

Benefits of the MiCA regulation for EU businesses

Here are the advantages that the new law brings to companies operating with crypto assets:

  • Clear legal requirements: MiCA offers a clear regulatory framework across the EU, providing businesses with a predictable legal environment for operation. This uniformity is crucial for companies looking to expand across different EU countries, ensuring compliance and stability in a diverse market.
  • Investor protection and credibility: MiCA aims to protect investors and thereby boost the credibility and trustworthiness of crypto businesses among customers and investors. It also imposes stricter regulations and harsher penalties on crypto asset service providers who lose customer funds, addressing the significant issue of unaccountable losses in the industry.
  • Attracting traditional finance investment: With clear regulations in place, traditional finance institutions may feel more confident about entering the crypto market, leading to increased investment and collaboration opportunities.
  • Reduction in fraud and market manipulation: In a regulated environment, bad actors are less likely to engage in fraud and market manipulation, leading to a more stable and reliable market for both businesses and investors.
  • Global competitive advantage: Compliance with MiCA can position EU-based businesses as leaders in regulatory adherence, potentially making them more attractive to international partners and investors who value regulatory compliance.
  • Facilitation of cross-border transactions: The unified regulatory framework simplifies the legal complexities of operating across different EU countries, making cross-border transactions smoother for businesses.

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Drawbacks of the MiCA regulation for EU businesses

While the MiCA regulation offers many tangible benefits to businesses, it’s also important to consider some notable disadvantages:

  • Compliance costs and challenges: The need to comply with comprehensive regulations may require significant resources, legal expertise, and adjustments in business operations, which could be burdensome for smaller businesses or startups.
  • Privacy concerns: The regulation mandates greater transparency in transactions, which might go against the ethos of privacy and anonymity that is valued in the crypto community.
  • Restrictions on stablecoins: These restrictions, particularly on stablecoins not pegged to EU currencies, could hinder the development and adoption of many innovative stablecoin projects.
  • Uncertainty in global enforcement: Businesses operating internationally may face uncertainty regarding the application of MiCA regulations outside the EU, potentially making their global operations more challenging.
  • Potential gray areas: The lack of clarity on how certain assets like NFTs are treated under MiCA could lead to legal uncertainties and issues in compliance.

What’s next?

Now, it is crucial for businesses to prepare for MiCA implementation before it comes into force on December 30, 2024. This preparation involves understanding the regulation’s nuances, aligning business practices with its requirements, and ensuring complete compliance to avoid potential fines and penalties.

In this context, PixelPlex’s Know-Your-Transaction (KYT) solution emerges as a vital tool. It helps businesses navigate the complexities of crypto compliance by providing robust transaction monitoring, uncovering suspicious transactional patterns, and combating crypto crimes. Such crypto compliance solutions can be instrumental in ensuring that your crypto asset transactions adhere to the new regulatory standards.

However, understanding and implementing MiCA regulations can be a daunting task. This is where our blockchain consulting services come to the rescue. We are fully equipped to guide businesses through the intricacies of MiCA, offering tailored advice and solutions that align with your specific needs.

Whether it involves adapting existing operations or developing new strategies for compliance, our consulting services are designed to effectively navigate the changing landscape of crypto regulation.

Our team can also assist you with building blockchain-powered solutions, be it NFT marketplace creation or metaverse development services. We take into account all industry regulations and standards.


Anastasiya Haritonova

Technical Writer

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